Saturday, 26 September 2015

Introducing Art Societies in the UK

This post introduces a new site - 'Art Societies in the UK'.

The Union Jack flying in the Mall outside the Mall Galleries
- Home of the Federation of British Artists
This is a combined website and blog which aims to provide a comprehensive compendium of art societies in the UK - for artists and art lovers alike.

 It replaces another site I developed a while back which has been offline for a while.

The Pages of this site are dedicated to lists of the art societies by:

National Art Societies


In due course it will also cover other art societies in the rest of the UK. I'll also be developing information about the art societies along the lines of that developed for those located in Greater London (see link above)

It will also eventually include information and advice about:
  • art society exhibitions,  
  • websites, blogging and social media for art societies
  • art society activities notified to this site.
In the future, I'll also be highlighting an invitation to submit details about the art exhibitions of art societies, art groups and art clubs in the UK in a future post.

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